Steel Shine/5lt - NM Packaging Supplies
Steel Shine/5lt

STEEL SHINE is an emulsion of pure, safe white oils and silicones in water

SKU NMAC_STE55 Categories , Tag

Safety Data Sheet

STEEL SHINE is a water-based cleaner that polishes stainless steel and aluminium surfaces with a deep shine. Stainless steel panels around lifts, finger plates, architraves, and handrails can be kept glossy, clean, and free of finger marks and smears by applying a thin film of STEEL SHINE. This shiny film enables marks and smears to be wiped off easily with a soft cloth.

  • Sizes    1L, 5L
  • pH Level    6.0 +/- 0.5
Weight 5 kg
Dimensions 0.196 × 0.13 × 0.299 m

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